Here you can find more models of our old China posters. from here
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"Old Bund in Shanghai"
The famous Bund in Shanghai in 20's, you can see
the Peace hotel there at that time also, if you have been to
Shanghai recently, you will be suprised to see such a difference... |
"Ladies with Cigarettes"
Old Posters in 30's for " Mei Li" Cigarette. |
"Happy Ladies with baby"
Old posters from 20s, for " Hui Cheng"
Cigarette Co. |
"Ladies play gold in 20s"
Old posters in 20s, at that time some ladies already
start golf in China.. |
"Lady in Qi pao"
This is an old poster from 20s, this is a post
for a cloth company. |
"Ladies on MoterCycle"
This was in 30s of Shanghai, some modern ladies
already can drive Motercycles, from this you can see the old
style Motercyle in China and this building behind still exist
in Shanghai Huai hai Rd. now... |
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