
Upcoming programs

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Program registration Form

Register a weekend escape or sports program involves three easy steps:

  1. You submit this booking form.
  2. We inform you within 1 working day by e-mail on details and no. of participants
  3. You confirm your participation and we will enroll you into the group for further details
  4. Since we all depend on one another on the fun programs, Please cancel the booking by writing to us asap if you do not want to participate anymore

Online Registration Form

Program name Please insert here the name of the program you wish to join
No of participants myself
Participants me and my partner (friends, group)
Suggestion of a new time from to
participant name: Surname
Given name
About you Surname
Given name
City of departure
Budget limit
Special requests (spare bed etc.)

Proceed now by pressing the button below even if you want to book another room. You will be able to do so during the next step. is owned and managed by Offline-Online Services.

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